Monday, August 5, 2013

ADO.NET Entity Framework in .NET

ADO.NET Entity Framework
ADO.NET Entity Framework abstracts the relational (logical) schema of the data that is stored in a database and presents its conceptual schema to the application. This abstraction eliminates the object-relational impedance mismatch that is otherwise common in conventional database-oriented programs. For example, in a conventional database-oriented system, entries about a customer and their information can be stored in a Customers table, their orders in an Orders table and their contact information in yet another Contacts table. The application that deals with this database must "know" which information is in which table, i.e., the relational schema of the data is hard-coded into the application.
The disadvantage of this approach is that if this schema is changed the application is not shielded from the change. Also, the application has to perform SQL joins to traverse the relationships of the data elements in order to find related data. For example, to find the orders of a certain customer, the customer needs to be selected from the Customers table, the Customers table needs to be joined with the Orders table, and the joined tables need to be queried for the orders that are linked to the customer. This model of traversing relationships between items is very different from the model used in object-oriented programming languages, where the relationships of an object's features are exposed as Properties of the object and accessing the property traverses the relationship. Also, using SQL queries expressed as strings, only to have it processed by the database, keeps the programming language from making any guarantees about the operation and from providing compile time type information. The mapping of logical schema into the physical schema that defines how the data is structured and stored on the disk is the job of the database system and client side data access mechanisms are shielded from it as the database exposes the data in the way specified by its logical schema.
History: version 1 of Entity Framework (EFv1) was included with .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1, released on 11 August 2008. This version has been widely criticized, even attracting a 'vote of no confidence' signed by several hundred developers. The second version of Entity Framework, named Entity Framework 4.0 (EFv4), was released as part of .NET 4.0 on 12 April 2010 and has addressed many of the criticisms made of version 1. A third version of Entity Framework, yet unnamed, is planned for release in first quarter of 2011. There have been several betas (called Community Technology Preview) of it and the last CTP5 was released in December 2010.
Entity Data Model: the Entity data model (EDM) specifies the conceptual model (CSDL) of the data via the Entity-Relationship data model, which deals primarily with Entities and the Associations they participate in. The EDM schema is expressed in the Schema Definition Language (SDL), which is an application of XML. In addition, the mapping (MSL) of the elements of the conceptual schema (CSDL) to the storage schema (SSDL) must also be specified. The mapping specification is also expressed in XML. Visual Studio also provides Entity Designer, for visual creation of the EDM and the mapping specification. The output of the tool is the XML file (*.edmx) specifying the schema and the mapping. Edmx file contains EF metadata artifacts (CSDL/MSL/SSDL content). These 3 files (csdl, msl, ssdl) can also be created or edited by hand.

Open a new project of type windows name it as EDM, open the add new item window, select “ADO.NET Entity Data Model”, name it as “Sample.edmx”, Click Add button,  which opens a wizard select “Generate from database”, click Next button, Choose Microsoft SQL Server database and click on “Ok” button, provide the connection details, choose your “CSharpDB” database, click  on “Ok” button, select “Yes, include the sensitive data in the connection string”, click on “Next” button, expand Tables node, choose the tables Emp & Dept, click Finish which displays the tables that are selected on a new window.
Note: Once the tables are selected and clicked on the finish button internally all the required classes representing the database, selected tables as well as properties representing all the columns of tables selected as well as methods which are required to perform the database operations gets generated. You can check this by expanding the .edmx file in solution explorer and view it in the Designer.cs file.

Place a DataGridView control on the form and write the following code in its form load event:
CSharpDBEntities db = new CSharpDBEntities ();
dataGridView1.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno");
dataGridView1.DataSource =
db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno" ).Where("it.Deptno=30");
dataGridView1.DataSource =
db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno").OrderBy("it.Deptno");
Note: CSharpDBEntities is the class which is generated that represents your database CSharp.

Performing Select & DML Operations: Create 2 forms as following
In the second Form change the modifier as Internal for all the 5 TextBox’s and Insert button also so that they can be accessed from first form & in the first form change the DataGridView name as dgView.
Code under First Form
Declarations: CSharpDBEntities db;

Under Form Load: db = new CSharpDBEntities();
dgView.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno");

Under Insert Button: Form3 f = new Form3(); f.btnSave.Text = "Insert"; f.ShowDialog();
dgView.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno");

Under Update Button: if (dgView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) {
  Form3 f = new Form3();
  f.textBox1.Text = dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
  f.textBox2.Text = dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
  f.textBox3.Text = dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value.ToString();
  f.textBox4.Text = dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value.ToString();
  f.textBox5.Text = dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[4].Value.ToString();
  f.btnSave.Text = "Update"; f.ShowDialog();
  dgView.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno"); 
  MessageBox.Show("Select a record from GridView  to update", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

Under Delete Button: if (dgView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) {
  if (MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to delete the record?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) {
    int empno = Convert.ToInt32(dgView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value);
    Emp obj = db.Emps.SingleOrDefault(E => E.Empno == empno); db.DeleteObject(obj);     
    db.SaveChanges(); dgView.DataSource=db.Emps.Select("it.Empno, it.Ename, it.Job, it.Sal, it.Deptno"); 
  MessageBox.Show("Select a record from GridView to delete", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
Code under Second Form

Under Insert Button: CSharpDBEntities db = new CSharpDBEntities();
if (btnSave.Text == "Insert")  {
  Emp obj = new Emp(); obj.Empno = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); obj.Ename = textBox2.Text;
  obj.Job = textBox3.Text; obj.Sal = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text); obj.Deptno = int.Parse(textBox5.Text);
  db.Emps.AddObject(obj); db.SaveChanges();
else  {
  int empno = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); Emp obj = db.Emps.SingleOrDefault(E => E.Empno == empno);
  obj.Ename = textBox2.Text; obj.Job = textBox3.Text; obj.Sal = decimal.Parse(textBox4.Text);
  obj.Deptno = int.Parse(textBox5.Text); db.SaveChanges(); }

Calling Stored Procedures: we can call stored procedures also using EDM, to call it first define a SP in sql server database as following:

Create Procedure Select_Emp(@Deptno Int = Null) 
  If @Deptno Is Null
    Select Empno, Ename, Job, Mgr, Hiredate, Sal, Comm, Deptno From Emp
    Select Empno, Ename, Job, Mgr, Hiredate, Sal, Comm, Deptno From Emp Where Deptno = @Deptno

Invoking the above Procedure:
To invoke the above SP go to Sample.edmx file and in the RHS we find a window “Model  Browser”, open it, right click on it and select “Update Model from Database” which opens a “Update Wizard”, in it expand the node “Stored Procedures”, select the SP “Select_Emp” we have defined above & click Finish, which adds the SP under Stored Procedures node of Model Browser, right click on the SP “Select_Emp”, select “Add Function Import” which opens a window, choose the Radio Button “Entities”, select “Emp” from the Combo Box and click on “Ok” button.
Note: once you click on the ok button it generates a new method “Select_Emp” under the class “CSharpDBEntities”, check the Designer.cs file for it.
Create a new Form as following, change the name of DataGridView as dgView and write the code:
Declarations: CSharpDBEntities db; bool flag = false;

Under Form Load:
db = new CSharpDBEntities(); comboBox1.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Deptno").Distinct();
comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Deptno"; dgView.DataSource = db.Select_Emp(null); flag = true;

Under ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged: if (flag) {
 int deptno = int.Parse(comboBox1.Text); dgView.DataSource = db.Select_Emp(deptno);

Retrieving data from single or multiple tables: we can retrieve data from 1 or more table(s) also at a time using “Linq to Entities” query language which will be same as we have used in case of querying data in Linq, with some minor changes.

Take a new windows form and design it as following and write the code:
Declarations: CSharpDBEntities db;

Under Form Load:
db = new CSharpDBEntities();
comboBox1.DataSource = db.Emps.Select("it.Job").Distinct(); comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Job";
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps select new { E.Empno, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Mgr, E.HireDate, E.Sal, E.Comm, E.Deptno };

Under ComboBox SelectedIndexChanged:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps where E.Job == comboBox1.Text select new { E.Empno, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Mgr, E.HireDate, E.Sal, E.Comm, E.Deptno };

Under Group By Clause Button1:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps group E by E.Deptno into G select new { Deptno = G.Key, EmpCount = G.Count() };

Under Group By Clause Button2:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps group E by E.Deptno into G select new { Deptno = G.Key, MaxSal = G.Max(i => i.Sal) };

Under Group By Clause Button3:

dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps group E by E.Job into G select new { Job = G.Key, JobCount = G.Count() };

Under Group By Clause Button4:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps group E by E.Job into G select new { Job = G.Key, MinSal = G.Min(i => i.Sal) };

Under Order By Clause Button:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps orderby E.Sal select new { E.Empno, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Mgr, E.HireDate, E.Sal, E.Comm, E.Deptno };

Under Multiple Tables Button:
dataGridView1.DataSource = from E in db.Emps select new { E.Empno, E.Ename, E.Job, E.Mgr, E.HireDate, E.Sal, E.Comm, E.Dept.Deptno, E.Dept.DName, E.Dept.Loc };

-          LINQ to SQL was developed for rapid application development (RAD), whereas Entity Framework was developed for enterprise application development.
-          LINQ to SQL works with the objects in a database whereas Entity Framework works with the conceptual model of a database. As explained earlier, these are two different things which further mean that the Entity Framework allows you to perform queries against relationships between entities, mapping single entities to multiple tables, and so on.
-          LINQ to SQL has the ability to call Stored Procedures, but not map them with the results where as Entity Framework is all about mapping results to entities.

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